Saul Falls Off of His Horse and
Is Changed Forever
By Dr. Lindy S. Diffenbaugh, D.D.
Saul Falls Off His Horse and Becomes God’s Vessel
As I begin this post regarding the Life of Paul the Apostle, I do not feel quite worthy to tell the story of such a Great Man of God, in fact, a Man of Great Faith! As I read of the Apostle Paul in the New Testament, I am stricken with a sense of awe, regarding this great and powerful Man of God.
Unlike the original “Christ Chosen Apostles,” Paul did not have a background of living the life of a devout Christian; in fact, He was notorious in his mission to persecute those that followed Christ. He worked daily to learn of Christ’s teachings, in order to combat those teachings when He encountered them.
In fact, Paul was not one of the original 12-Apostles that Christ first chose to follow and teach the message of the Glory of God, on Earth as in Heaven. In fact, Paul did not convert to Christianity until 2 or 3 years after Christ was executed on the Cross.
Saul, the Horse, and the Road to Damasus
Saul’s treacherous harassment and death of God’s chosen people in that day, was constant and brutal. But despite Saul’s treacherous acts during that time, there came a “God Appointed Time,” when Saul was riding on his horse on the way to Damascus, where he would most likely persecute more and more Christians. In fact, Saul’s ride to Damascus was interrupted by the Lord God of Heaven, Himself.
When Christ appeared before Saul, the force of His appearance was so powerful that it knocked Paul right off of His horse. When the Lord had Paul in a position flat out on his face in the dirt, He confronted Saul with the question, “Why do you persecute me?”
From that moment, Saul the persecutor, became Paul the Apostle. He was a loyal and diligent vessel who was not only repentant, but he demonstrated his repentance in the work that he released for the glory of God, on Earth, as in Heaven.
Saul Was Transformed into Paul the Apostle
If you do not know already, the Apostle Paul traditionally wrote 13 of the 27 books in the New Testament of the Bible. beyond that, after meeting Jesus on the Road to Damascus, the Apostle Paul famously converted to Christianity, and he wrote a series of letters that powerfully worked to help spread the power and authority of the faith in the Mediterranean World.
In fact, Paul wrote many letters to his previous friends and followers that he trained, to encourage their their conversion into Christianity. Over the Millenniums these writings have been passed down, shared, and thus, they have allowed the Gospel of Faith to be released into lives of so many people that were at their last thread before turning from any thought of God and/or Taking Their Own Life, or hurting another individual in the process.
In fact, Paul’s writings have been passed down thru many, many lives that infact, passed the teaching down to others, and likewise others have passed them down to others…My Message to You Today Is: Study the Apostle Paul’s Writing in the New Testament, Observe the Wonderful Things that He did to Advance the Gospel, and Then…
Go Thou and Do Likewise…