It Is Vital, in Fact It Is Imperative, That We, Heaven’s Warriors, Continually Discipline Ourselves In Our Daily Walk With the Triune God of Heaven and Earth. We Must Always Be Focused On and Vigilant of, WHOSE Warriors We Are. Why? Because We Have An Enemy That Goes About Day and Night, Seeking to Devour God’s Warriors On This Earth!
When you consider the stealth and brutal acts that the devil brings against you, you will certainly ask yourself, “What Did I Do To Make Satan and his Minions, My Enemies? Another question that must be asked, is, “Why would hell want to destroy someone that is simply walking through life, working hard to make a living, and endeavoring to serve God at the same time?” The first thing that you should be aware of is that: Your Enemy was First The Enemy of the Most-High God; The Same God That You Serve with Your Heart, Mind, Body, and Soul-Satan. With that being true, we must open our eyes and realize that: Our Greatest Enemy, Is a Defeated Devil. The greatest weapon that he can hold against us is a Worthless Lie! With that being said, we must lift our eyes above the defeated devil and fix them upon the Victorious Resurrected Christ! With that being said, it is time that you recognize because you, a True Christian, that loves Jesus with all of your heart, then you must be aware of this one absolute and “Set in Stone” FACT: BECAUSE YOU LOVE GOD AND SERVE HIM WITH ALL OF YOUR MIGHT and BECAUSE YOU HATE THE DEVIL, AND YOU RESIST HIM WITH ALL OF YOUR MIGHT, Then the Devil IS SURELY GOING TO HATE AND HE WANTS TO SEE YOU DESTROYED. Accept it now, Satan is without a doubt, the worst enemy that you have, and in fact, every will have, on this earth. If you can accept that truth, then you must know this one as well: If Satan and Every Demon in Hell Stands Against You, Then God and All His Holy Angels are Diligently Fighting For YOU, and They are Fighting for You and With YOU!
His Victory Was, Is, and Ever More Shall Be Settled On Earth as In Heaven
Never doubt that: When God is for you, then no man, no witch, no curse, and no demon from Hell, that can bring you down. God is your shield, your strength, your help, and your deliverer. When your Faith is in God’s absolute Victory over His/Your demonic enemies, through the death, burial, and resurrection victory of Christ, then you must step out of the Defense, and aggressively move into the position of Victory in the Offense. In short, with Christ standing with you, then you will prevail. You will win every battle when your faith rests in the absolute truth that your God has already won the victory over every demon in hell, every tactic of Satan, and every single one of Hell’s Demons.
Despite Christ’s Glorious Victory over Hell, there are Christians throughout this world who have not only lived in defeat in their battle with hell, but going forward from those defeats, they will always fight from a position of defense, because they see themselves as incapable of standing victorious in the face o Hell.
In other words, these “would-be” warriors are are hiding from hell, rather than resisting it with all of their might and strength. If you are to defeat Hell, then your Battle Stance must be grounded in the depths of the mighty warrior that moves deep within your heart and mind. Through your faith, you must deliberately release a massive, absolute, and utter defeat upon Death Hell, and the Grave.
Then Peril’s of Defeat In the Face of Hell
There is a massive difference between Victory and Defeat! From a position of defense, you believe that your enemy is all powerful, he is coming after you, and he is so strong and mighty that he will, without doubt, overpower you, and take you down.. In other words, in your mind the devil that Christ defeated on the Cross, has somehow regained every ounce of his power, and he now has enough strength to break through every heavenly barrier that God made available for your protection as you wage war against Hell.
Though you may not say it out loud, you absolutely believe that somehow this defeated, lying devil is going to defeat you and bring you down to the pits of hell. And worse than all of that, you truly believe that you are alone in this fight, and you are sure that you will not win. You hope you can overcome the enemy, but you are not certain that God is with you, even though He certainly is. You aren’t even sure that Christ has all that is necessary to defeat the devil’s tactics.
I am writing this message to tell you on this day, that Christ did hang on Calvary’s Cross, and He did Die a Gruesome Death on that Old Rugged Cross. Beyond that, His lifeless body was buried in a tomb at Gethsemane.
With that in mind, But…listen to me and do not ever forget this…Christ did not stay in the grave. He rose from the dead. Why is that so important? The importance of His resurrection from death, hell, and the grave bought our victory over HELL, and all the tactics that Hell intends to release against God’s children!
You positioned yourself for Victory over the Devil, the day that you said “YES to Salvation Through the Resurrected Christ”; at the same time, you became a blood washed, blood bought saint of the Most-High God. That is your identity now, and that will always be your source of strength and victory in the battle. That strength will never, ever, no, never fail you!
Regardless of What You Think, See and Hear, Christ Did Not Stay In the Grave!
To Utterly Destroy the Devil, all that you must do is, Believe that Hell Has Nothing on You, BecauseYou Are Absolutely Victorious in Christ. No matter what it looks like. No matter how much the devil is taunting you, no matter how hard he is resisting you…You and Jesus and the Great Cloud of Heavenly Witnesses, Now Walk In Total Victory Because Christ Overcame. It’s not because of anything that you are or anything that you have done. You have that Victory, because Jesus overcame the devil and everything that he has in mind to defeat you, will fail.
You will grab hold of the victory when you get yourself, your doubts, your ideas about how you can defeat the enemy, out of the way. The word of God says, Submit to God-that includes your absolute agreement that He is all victorious. When you can do that, then you will be able to Resist the devil, and He Will Flee from You. You may wonder why I can be so certain that Satan will flee from you.
The short answer to is that question. I Know that the Word of God Tells ME to Submit to God, Resist the Devil, and HE Will Flee from Me. Likewise, the moment that you win the battle against the devil, will be when You Submit the Battle to God! When God engages the battle against your enemy, all you have to do is stand back and watch how God Crushes Your Enemy! Then when it is over, you can whisper to the enemy, “That is How I Fight My Battles!”
In Him You Will Fight the Enemy!
So, how do you resist the devil? The battle that the devil brings usually starts with him taunting, terrorizing, or disrupting your life in some way. The terror or disruption often comes out of nowhere. It is usually a hard blow…such as something that you did not see coming, and/or something that cannot be easily overcome. You will probably think that you caused the problem.
Usually, the issue will stop, or at least redirect your world for a time. At that time, when the devil is clearly attacking your life, you must declare out loud, “I resist you Satan, in Jesus’s name.” The devil will surely hear you. He surely knows what that means. Then you submit to God…You recognize that HE is Lord over all. He holds the battle plans to defeat the enemy. Thus, you ask Him, what do I do now?
In the midst of the Battle, Know This: once you grab hold of the understanding that Jesus crushed Satan on Calvary’s Cross, It is too Late for Satan to defeat You, a Warrior of the Most High God…He can’t do it because he is operating from a position of defeat…he is on the defense; once you understand that you are part of Team Jesus, and when the devil challenged Him to a show down between Heaven and Hell…Jesus took the challenge. He said, Devil get thee behind me. He defeated Satan, with the truth of the word of God. In Christ, therefore, anything that he has planned against your life, Satan loses, and Jesus and YOU will certainly win that battle.
Satan Is, Has Always Been, and He Will Always Be a Defeated Devil
To summarize the above…even though Satan is a defeated devil…nothing more nothing less…the absolute truth about this devil and his little army of demon helpers, is that he and they are forever defeated. When God’s Army is Fighting the Good Fight on This Earth, Hell can never be victorious when they come up against you. If you know who you are in Christ, and you partner with Him, the devil will never be able to overtake you.
If you do not prevail, then Satan’s armies will manage to grab hold of a degree of power. In fact, that is only one way that they gain power in a show down with a blood bought child of God. You may ask, how on earth would we give the devil power?
Here is how it could happen. Listen carefully to this. When you or I stand face to face in a confrontation with the devil in Absolute Fear…and we believe that he is all powerful, that he has what it takes to defeat us in the battle. When we, God’s mighty warriors, believe that we do not have enough strength or understanding to bring him down, at that moment…when you are shaking in your shoes and believing that he is all powerful, so much bigger than you, bigger than our God…he has everything that he needs to defeat us…when we stand in that kind of doubt and fear, we empower hell to run all over us. Hell will mow us down, destroy us, and fix it so that you will never get up again, because it will make you believe that the devil is too big for God, and all of His warriors to overcome. That is how we relinquish our victory In Christ and turn all our power over to the devil. When you face such a “show down,” you can be certain that you have become a “playground” for the Devil.
Hell Will Not Leave you Alone If You Bow To His Destructive Lies
Satan will keep coming back at you harder and harder, every time that there is a showdown in your life. You will face the next battle with the taste of bitter defeat in your mouth. As you remember the last defeat, you will brace yourself for the battle that is now In Your Face! The only possibility that you see coming from that “show down,” is Utter Defeat. The devil beat your once…and your faith says that he will do it again.
He will continue to taunt you, until you, like David, face the giant and ask with all authority, “Who are you to taunt a Warrior of the Living God?” You must see yourself as the devil’s worst nightmare! And when you see that, once you grasp the revelation that you were born to terrorize darkness, you will stop running from hell’s tactics that were designed to take you out of the battle and catapult you into the place of defeat. He wants to discourage you. He wants to make you weary. He wants to defeat you on the battlefield so that you will leave him alone.
Get it in your head right now. You will never, ever, no-never, leave the devil alone. You are on the earth to terrorize him, to push him and every one of his demons back to where they came from…the pit of death, hell, and darkness. You were put on this earth to let Hell know that Jesus defeated Satan on the Cross of Calvary. That battle is over. It will never be overturned. Satan had his chance and, he did not prevail. Jesus was declared the Ultimate, Eternal Victor, and that Victory will never, ever be Overturned.
If The Victory is to Be Won, It Must Be Won On Your Knees
The victory must be won first in the place of prayer and warfare. Once you have put the enemy on notice that he is defeated and there is no possibility for victory, then you put yourself on the offense, and Satan will have to take a defensive position in this battle.
You make a spiritual connection with the devil and his minions, when you engage them in prayer and warfare. This is where you will come into an absolute agreement with Heaven. When the connection is certain, then you will grab the keys that Christ released to you through his Resurrection Victory, (Matt 16:19) … He gives YOU (as well as every Saint on the Earth) the Keys that will shut up and shut down all of Satan’s demonic taunts and activity. Your warfare will lead you to an absolute breakthrough! Hell will see and know that you know, who you are in Christ, when you assert your God Given identity with the Risen Christ. You are HIS WARRIOR and as such, no demon in hell, not even Satan himself, can defeat you.
In a worldly battle, you fight with weapons that can be seen, felt, and held. These are useless in a Spiritual Battle. We can’t shoot a demon. But we can and will defeat him, when we recognize that the weapons that we hold are not carnal, we cannot see them, but we can wield them against our enemy. Our weapons are released by speaking the word of God against the already defeated demons.
We overcome when we splash the blood of Jesus upon them and remind them that there is Victorious Power in the Cross of Christ. The same cross that Satan nailed an Innocent Man upon, as he murdered Christ, In Cold Blood! That same Cross, is, The Force That Saves Our Souls from Hell’s Efforts to Destroy Us.
With this act, Satan became a murderer…a criminal…the “Earth’s Most Wanted.” The only way that he can pay for that crime, is for Us, Christ’s blood bought warriors, to remind him that he was utterly defeated when he murdered the Son of God. Then we must go one step further…That innocent man that descended into hell, and secured the keys to death, hell, and the grave, gave us those keys. Just as the grave could not hold Christ, neither will it hold us. We will certainly be resurrected into eternal life with Christ and our Heavenly Father, when we leave this earth.
Back to the Game Plan to Defeat the Enemy
Again, when we exert the weapons of our warfare against Hell, then all of Heaven will stand with us in the Battle. There are, however, conditions that we must meet as we petition Heaven to stand with us in the “showdown with hell.” we must be certain that Hell has no legal right to come against us. In other words, we must be certain that whatever Satan is holding against us, holds no merit…or truth.
If we carry any guilt, then we must confess our sin before the Lord, and allow Him to cleanse us of all unrighteousness. Then we can enter the battle with the confidence that Heaven is fighting with us when we, stand against the Forces of Hell and Darkness.
Spiritual Warfare & Deliverance are about an ongoing war in our world that is both spiritual and personal! Make no mistake about it, this war is REAL!
In every battle that we will face against the forces of darkness…Know That…

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