God’s Warriors Are Unrelenting in Battle
By Dr. Lindy S. Diffenbaugh, DD
God’s Warriors Will Prevail Against Death Hell and Darkness
From the time that God spoke the world into being, the Earth has prevailed from from that moment until this one. However, from the beginning of time, right up to this very day, a vicious battle has ensued, that has ruthlessly assaulted the planet earth. That battle has released a persistent tug of war between Heaven and Hell, that has prevailed throughout every day and night, since the earth was formed. The evidence that Hell has gained the upper hand is undeniable. The turbulence of this spiritual warfare is constant. It swarms the globe and relentlessly threatens the peace and glory that God has prepared for those who love Him.
Beyond that, the nations of the Earth are enduring unprecedented upheaval, unrest, and, in some places, all-out war. The days that we now live, are certainly some of the most perilous that this Earth has ever witnessed. The voice of agony reverberates around the Globe. There are few that can even begin to respond to the depth of the pain inherent in the cries of desperation, from the needy and the brokenhearted, and for those who live in unending conflict, in the depth of their spirits, as well as in their everyday functioning in this world!
In this day and on this Earth, treachery and insurrection are the norm, as there is a great scarcity of allegiance, credibility, integrity, and virtue throughout the nations of the Earth. In fact, even when these do surface, they are questioned, challenged, mocked, and often discounted as heresy. That is why in this day, on this Earth, the wrath of a Holy and Righteous God is being stirred up with uncommon intensity.
What exactly provokes the wrath of Our Holy God in Heaven? His wrath and/or rage is provoked by sinister acts of betrayal and despicable works of treason, committed by leaders who have been entrusted with the lives and destinies of people and nations. All of this and more has stirred God’s anger to a very dangerous tipping point, in this day.
It is certainly not a new thing that there are those who will deny and defy our God and the truth of His Holy Word. But in this day, the rebellion and defiance against God’s Word has risen to unprecedented heights. His sacred Word is being trampled and spat upon by the unholy and unrighteous masses who have rejected the God-Head, and embraced the lies and deceptions of Hell and darkness.
Thus, God’s wrath is released from Heaven in unparalleled proportions, upon all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men and women who hold the Truth of His Word in contempt, (Paraphrase of Romans 1:18). In this day, around the globe, a growing number of people are calling the profane, holy, while the holy is being stomped upon and ripped to shreds, by those who have rejected their Creator.
You might as well ask yourself, “Why did Eve disobey God in the Garden of Eden?” The only answer to both questions is, the devil is a ruthless, but a subtle, and very convincing liar. He is a diabolical and shameless deceiver. Those who deny or do not know God’s word, must wake up and discern the Word of God vs. the Voice of Hell.
In this day, like never before, Satan has savagely blinded the minds of those who deny the existence of God and the redeeming work of Christ our Savior. In other words, because they are spiritually blind and deceived, these are marching headlong into an eternal destiny where they will be severely tortured throughout eternity and forever separated from God.
Next to His passionate love for His Created Beings, God is a God of Definite Purpose & Solid Intention, in fact, Our God does nothing without purpose. That includes the knitting together of the body of every living being on this Earth, as they are formed in their mother’s womb.
In fact, every deceived saint who has bought into Satan’s lie, was originally created by God with a holy purpose in mind. As we read in Psalm 139:13-14, “For you created my inmost being as you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful I know that full well.”
By the way, in case you were wondering, there is not one scripture in the Bible that says that God made some of His saints to spend eternity in Heaven, while He created others with the intention of sending them straight to Hell after their life is over. It is certainly not the nature of our God to populate Hell with the treasures of His own Creation! God’s intention for every one of His children is life, and that more abundantly, (John 10:10b).
God Has A Purpose For His Created Beings
So, how does it happen that millions of God’s own children are in rebellion to God, yet complicit with the plans of Satan, and walking straight into the destructive flames of Hell fire? The short answer to that question, is that these are perishing because they have been deceived by Satan’s lies. Except they repent, they will never realize the eternal reward that God designed and created specifically for them
Surely God’s heart breaks with the loss of every being that He created. Yet He can do nothing to save them. His hands are tied. He gave them a free will; they chose darkness over the light. They chose Hell’s flames over Heaven’s glory. Except they turn from the darkness to the light before they die, they will surely burn in a merciless, eternal, blazing inferno of the unrelenting flames of Hell Fire
While a good portion of the population now walks about the earth, while giving no interest in the fact that there is a God in Heaven that created the air that they breathe, the family that they love, and beyond that, He holds the keys to the future of the destiny of every created being on this Earth.
In fact, if you have not noticed it yet, there is a Tidal Wave of Filth that is Flooding the Earth, at every possible entry point on the planet. It is very clear that in this day, Satan’s followers have worked hard to make us believe that the reality of God’s truth is the height of deception.
Darkness is steadily pushing an agenda that the Holy is profane, while enticing unsuspecting mortals to believe that the profane is truly holy. A discerning heart would believe that those who entertain such deceptions are truly the ones who are insane. They are not. In fact, they are deceived mouthpieces of Satan, who, with their very lives are promoting the agendas of Hell.
These are hopelessly captivated by the hypnotic forces of devilish demons, whose absolute end game is to destroy as much of redeemed humanity as they possibly can, and then take complete control of the Earth. Their only hope for the success of this wicked scheme, is for Hell to be able to successfully turn every good thing on this Earth upside down.
In fact, these must allow the good to appear as evil, and the evil as good. Those things that we esteem as evil, must be cloaked before the masses as the highest level of holiness. They must crush the life out of everything that is good, true, lovely, and of a good report. IF they manage to pull that off, they will become a voice that every inhabitant of the Earth believes and follows. At least, that is their seemingly, unrealistic fantasy.
The disruption, riots, and upheaval that are so commonplace around the globe, are certainly the work of the most sinister agents of darkness. With little effort, Hell has managed to blind the minds of those who are now deliberately walking in darkness, (2 Cor 4:4). They may believe themselves to be independent thinkers, or they may think that they must walk against the tide of the day; it is nevertheless, an undeniable reality that they are victims of a vile and wicked deceiver. These are the unwitting pawns of Satan, the most ruthless forces of death, hell and darkness.
The Days of Reaping Are Heavily Upon Us
Be not deceived, no man will mock God and get away with it! What a man sows, that will he also reap, (Galatians 6:7). Thus, as the wicked of society have sown Hell’s ideals into the Earth, all the inhabitants of the planet now feel the impact of that sowing. Deceptive business tactics are common; they are robbing the poor and increasing the wealth of the rich. For the most part, many who hold high governmental positions in the legislature, are clearly working for their own gain and not for the good of those that they represent.
The most unimaginable lies and vicious deceptions are being asserted as truth in the world today. Politicians are being elected on platforms of deception and lies, that rest on beds of deceit and distortion. All of this and more is running rampant on the Earth: in fact, there is no one who questions their tactics or holds them accountable. Medical practitioners are known to do unnecessary tests and procedures, that beef up their financial bottom-line. Likewise, news reporters belch out fake news and they are applauded by the masses. Very few question the validity of their reports.
In the worldwide marketplace, products of minimal value are often sold for a price that is many times more than their value would demand. Merchants are rarely questioned for such extortion. Blatant deception is spreading through every cultural mountain of society, without question, reproof, or punishment. Before it’s over, the world will surely reap unrelenting storms of terror and lawlessness. These will come with unimaginable bloodbaths of destruction and death.
Without Doubt, The Days in Which We Live, Are Filled With National and International Anarchy
It is absolutely true that national and international anarchy has flooded the nations of the earth, that if left unchallenged, will certainly consume the entire world. In this day, there is an incessant surge of filth being belched out from Hell, that is mercilessly overpowering all sectors of society, all over the Earth, without respect to who you are or who you serve. The old, the young, the rich, the poor, the lost, and even God’s own children, have felt the intensity of the fear, terror, intimidation, and the destructive impact of Hell on this Earth.
In fact, it is here that we must ask, “Where Are the Armies of the Living God In This Day?” In the face of this deluge of death, hell, and darkness, it is crushing to realize that the true, born-again believers in Christ have put up little resistance in the face of Hell’s onslaught. In the greatest time of global crisis, Christ’s own Born-Again Saints have shown themselves to be weak, ineffective and, in many ways, pathetic.
It is extremely critical, in fact it is imperative, that we come to grips with the reality that God’s Saints are His only plan for resistance against this deluge of terror and anarchy that flows incessantly throughout the Earth. Every passing day, the minions of darkness are seizing ground and plunging the heirs of salvation into the dungeons of eternal death and destruction. The advance of their diabolical armies is worldwide.
In the face of this uprising, the best response from the majority of the Armies of God, has been a complacent yawn. Clearly God’s “saints” are asleep in the light. Except for His Remnant Warriors, they have failed to recognize that the resurrection power that Heaven breathed upon them, was a heavenly unction that would allow them to take back the ground that Satan has held hostage, and to dominate the Earth in Christ’s stead.
The Lord has commissioned His “saints” to annihilate the forces of darkness that have arisen on this Earth in this last day. God’s saints, truly do not recognize that they, are on the earth to to bear the responsibility of taking down Hell and ushering Heaven onto the Earth. These have failed to discern how vital the eternal demand inherent in this mandate truly is. The gravity of the rebellion against God’s commission has been all but ignored by Christ’s Church, in this day.
It is now Imperative that God’s Warriors Fight The Good Fight and Prevail over every foe that they face. The modern Church has failed to grasp that it is the Church, not the government, that is anointed and appointed to establish and hold up a righteous standard in the land. The enemy has without doubt and without mercy, blinded the minds of those who believe not in the things of God. Thus, the world is at the mercy of a sleeping church, that is filled with those who believe that the anarchy that is working overtime to take over the Earth, is the fault of the government. Thus, they believe that it is the government’s responsibility to take care of the problems that they
Many So Called Believers Have Been Enticed by Seductive Worldly Forces of Darkness
Sadly, because many believers have been enticed by the seductive forces of this world, they are flirting with darkness, as they stand in resistance to the light. Many who call themselves believers, shamelessly embrace sin, hell, and destruction. These show little effort to justify their own wickedness. In short, they call good evil and evil good.
This breach in their heavenly covenant leaves many doors wide open for Hell’s diabolical forces to bring destruction on the Earth in this day. As the Holy Creator God watches this entire ruthless force of destruction over His creation, He surely weeps. But beneath the tears that are flowing from Heaven’s throne, somewhere in the depths of the heart of God, there is a rumbling. As He watches and weeps, He is drawing strength from His own Word: “Vengeance is Mine! I WILL certainly repay!” (Deuteronomy 32:35).
God has shown great patience towards His Church in these days of wavering faith. However, except we repent, His judgement on the Church will surely come. It is certain that God will have a Victorious Bride in the Last Days of the Earth. It is also certain, that the Church must realize that she is destined to be His Bride.
It is time for the Body of Christ to Wake Herself Up, Shake Herself Off, Fight the Good Fight of Faith, and Inflict a Heavenly Blow of Death and Defeat Upon the Forces of Death, Hell, and Darkness.