Living the Abundant Life in Christ: Is It Real or Nothing But A Fairy-Tale?
Dr. Lindy S. Diffenbaugh
By Dr. Lindy Diffenbaugh
When we were dead because of our failures and sins, God made us alive in Christ. God has in fact, brought us back to our lives together in Christ Jesus, and He has offered us a position in Heaven with Him. EPH 2:5-6
Are you aware that living the abundant life that Jesus promised His Faithful Followers, can and must be a reality in your life? Do you believe that despite the death of your dreams and ambitions, that living the abundant life is still a strong possibility for the rest of your life on this earth?
Do you know that when you are positioned with Christ in the heavens that death, hell, and darkness cannot keep you off the pathway to abundant living? Or do you believe the notion that living the abundant life is just a fairy tale gone very bad?
The Power for Living the Abundant Life is Choked by Hell’s Quicksand
We often get off of the path that leads to abundance in Christ, when we allow the trials of living to tower over the resurrection force of Christ. Grappling with situations that defy solutions is like getting caught in quicksand. As darkness increases your hope for deliverance grows darker and darker!
The more the problem consumes you the less likely you are able to release your faith. As your body is submerged and your nose rests atop the quicksand, your faith in a “delivering God” diminishes greatly.
Darkness, hopelessness, and despair are your trusted companions. In the face of destruction, the promise of living the abundant life becomes a cruel and unrelenting mockery.
When times were good, you believed that nothing could take you down. You believed that you had the spiritual might to overcome and breakthroughs any obstacle that hell could put before you.
Your faith in God aside, you were living in an age where solutions were a “dotcom away.” The world was full of “experts” and technology, offered solutions for every imaginable disaster.
Living the Abundant Life is Not Realized in a Google Search
In this day and age, where a simple “Google” search can yield breakthrough solutions to formerly impenetrable obstacles.
Unfortunately, we also live in a world where hell has the capacity to belch out all it has onto your formerly comfortable life.
The tragedy that you now grapple with, is that you never saw it coming. Deception caused your eyes to gaze on modern day “towers of Babel” rather than focus on the Word of God.
When hell’s disaster lands in your backyard you will realize that dotcoms and breakthrough solutions of the day are no match for hell’s best shot. When you are on the wrong side of a check mate in a chess game with the devil, without a strong faith in the Tri-une God, you will find that you are faced with the reality of certain defeat.
During an unrelenting fight against hell, you cannot allow doubt to deceive you. God is the author of your destiny. Hell wants to destroy you. God wants to teach your hands to war, so that your arms will bend a bow of bronze against your enemies.
It is in His mercy that God allows you to encounter trials. He did not write the bad fairy tale. Living the abundant life in Christ was His idea and He is well able to deliver on His promise.
The Key to Living the Abundant Life
The key to winning the battle and living the abundant life is inherent in Ephesians 2:5-6-Put on the Whole Armor of God! Clarity comes as you allow your spirit and soul to soak in the beauty of that reality! In God’s eyes and by His grace you have never been, and you will never be caught up in hell’s quicksand.
If That Is Your Perception, You Are Deceived
In God’s reality you are not a pawn of Satan, and you are not without the resources that you need to live, feed your family, and provide for every need that you have on this earth. Because you are seated in the heavens with Christ, you have every thing that you need to live a good prosperous life on this earth!
You Did Not Have To Strive to Ascend into His Realm of Glory Because God Raised You Up
Flying at 50,000 feet, the objects below look like tokens on a monopoly board. If you were in their midst, they would be huge. At high altitudes you aren’t impacted by traffic jams, forest fires, or hurricanes. Your seat in that plane is a safe one. During the thunder and lightening that might threaten the plane, your position would no doubt be a deadly one.
Similarly, when you are raised up with Christ the quicksand below is no threat. Hell’s storms are no match for the overcoming power of our resurrected Savior. Mountains become minuscule when you are seated with Christ in the heavens.
At that altitude nothing shall by any means hurt you. In your elevated position you find that all of God’s promises are certainly, “Yeah and Amen!” His word cannot and will not ever fail.
The promise of living the abundant life in Christ is no longer a bad fairy tale. It is an undeniable reality. It is real today. It will be real tomorrow. It will be real a thousand years from now.
When your trials are insurmountable you may not realize the comfort to be found in Ephesians 2:5-6. That’s because you are looking for concrete solutions to spiritual strongholds. Such solutions are realized by faith alone!
The Word of God is the dynamite that will demolish every obstacle hell can erect against you. The illusion of your trial is a lie. God’s Word reveals perspectives that will raise you up above the lie. Seek His perspectives. They will elevate you above every stronghold of hell.
As the Spirit of God raises you up, you will find yourself in the promise of living the abundant life in Christ! You must never let doubt to allow you to stop short of breakthrough solutions that can be realized only by your indomitable faith in a God who cannot fail!
Christ in You Will Prevail Over The Devil and Demons Of Hell As You War With The Holy Ghost and the Fire of God On Earth as In Heaven!