It difficult, if not impossible, to get through life without slamming straight into overwhelming situations and circumstances that defy remedies and eventually suck you into a place of hopeless despair. You may believe that you can easily employ remedies that have served you well in the past, but more often than not, the obstacles before you now stare you in the face and mock your seemingly useless efforts to prevail beyond them.
With your own “fail safe remedies” lying dead on the floor, you now turn your endeavors to fix the issue, by employing every practical solution that can be downloaded from the worldwide web. Nevertheless, that wicked impossibility is still staring you in the face, and mocking your desperate incompetence.
Very often, despite your well planned interventions in the issues of life, the obstacles still appear to be huge, and the solutions ineffective at best. The seemingly immovable roadblock that they present stare at you with stubborn, resistance; they urge you to throw in the towel and give up on the effort to push forward. It is then that you ask, outside of admitting personal failure, could there be another way?
The answer to the above question is, “Absolutely Yes, another way can be found!” When all else fails, you must never forget that you are not alone in this world. You serve a God that specializes in turning impossible situations, into uncommon success stories. But know this, He cannot make the impossible, possible, if you throw in the towel and give up! The situation demands that you stay in the game and trust the Lord.
In a face off of that certain roadblock in life, you must never forget that when all else has proven to be ineffective, the power and strength of the promises found in Biblical Scripture, will ensure that you will certainly prevail through every trial and ultimately stand tall in the successful completion of every endeavor that you undertake!
You will surely see certain victory, when you look beyond the roadblock, and remember that your Savior and Lord, is able to walk through brick walls, and even rise from the grave on His way to Heaven. He takes down giants, He heals the sick, and He raises the dead. In fact, there is nothing He cannot, and will not do for those who love and serve Him faithfully.
Earthly Obstacles Demand Christ’s Resurrection Power
To overcome the obstacles that bog you down in life, your focus must be turned away from the the stubborn force that the problem presents. You must turn your attention away from the roadblock before you, and search out a clear path to overcome and breakthrough the obstacle in front of you. After you have prayed, and while your are keenly aware that it is God’s grace that is upon you, it is time to begin to earnestly seek out the solution to your dilemma.
In fact, when you stand in the face of an impassable force, your first question must be, “What does the Scripture Say About this Giant that now stands in my way ?” If you search for a biblical Word regarding your circumstances, you will surely find one or more such words, within the pages of the God’s Written Word!
When you see it, take hold of it, and claim it as God’s “now” breakthrough for your situation. It is the Healing Balm of Heaven, that will surely release the exact solution that you need to bring you out of the darkness of the problem, into the brilliant light of His glory.
Once you step into the brilliance of His glory, you must be diligent to walk in the Truth that you have laid hold of; in fact, with every ounce of strength that you possess within your being, you must ignore the debilitating force of the lies that Satan, that old serpent that you now call “the defeated devil,” is whispering in your ear. In the face of your victory, Satan will pull out his most sabotaging lies. When He does that, that is when you have God’s full permission to laugh in His face.
Your Efforts Will Prevail Through the Heavenly Promises of God
A deliberate effort on your part must be made to look-up towards the Heavenly promises of God, and to ignore the lies that are coming out of the darkness of Hell’s deepest pit. These are the nothing more than venom that Satan has intended for your destruction.
This effort, like every project that you will undertake for God, begins with the scripture: You must, Set Your Mind on Things Above and Not on the Earthly Struggles that Seek to Take You Down!
Exactly where do you begin to find a permanent solution to the roadblock before you? If you intend to find a permanent solution to the roadblock, it must start with how you see it. Is it an impassable roadblock…or is it time for you to proclaim, “Get thee behind me Satan!”
Always be aware that your thoughts are not always your own. Influences come at you from many different sources…from negative people who do not carry the mind of Christ, as well as the devil and his crowd of lying imps. In fact, he will without doubt, work very hard to make certain that the problems before you will grow exponentially, to the point that they seem to defy solutions.
When the problem is your singular focus, and when your focus has been negatively influenced by those who do not have your best interests at heart, the mountain of your troubles becomes bigger and bigger; thus it becomes your ultimate reality.
It all comes down like this: when you focus on the pain , then pain becomes your reality. Likewise, when you focus on poverty, then the poverty becomes your reality. You focus on the addiction, then the addiction becomes your reality, etc. etc. etc. As long as you are in the midst of the problem, you cannot impact the problem, because when you are in the problem, then YOU are thus part of the problem.
With the Word of God, Crush Every Obstacle That Stands Before You
Before you can overcome the obstacles that are staring you in the your face, you must assume your position in Christ, that the Word of God tells you is yours. Only when the darkness of Satan is overshadowed by God’s Glorious Light, will you possess the strength and the authority to Walk Boldly into the Light of the Glorious Christ!
Once you have laid hold of the Truth in God’s Word, you have positioned yourself above the problems. Why? Because the truth of God’s word stands up, against, and above the problems that are before you. Like a fire hose, you must spray the authority and power of the Word of God directly into the face of the enemy.
You do this if you are scared, you do this if you think that you can handle the problem on your own, and you do this if you are fearful of Hell’s certain retaliation. In fact, you spray the Word of God directly into the face of Satan and his minions, no matter how real their retaliation may seem!
After you have sprayed the truth into Hell’s army, you must apply the Balm of Gilead in your current situation. How do you do that? You do it by proclaiming the Word over and over and over again. As you meditate on the Word of Truth, then you position yourself not only above the problem, but in the place of an Over Comer in Christ.
From that position, you will always be ready to wield the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God, in the face of Death, Hell and Darkness.
Lift Your Troubles Above Your Ability To Overcome Them
What has happened? You have lifted yourself up beyond the demons and the lies that they have belched out on your life, and you have stepped into a new role. In fact, you have stepped into a place where defeat cannot touch you.
As you stand before God and Man as a warrior, you acknowledge that the circumstances are not the reality that you are facing and in fact, through the Word of God and the power of your own testimony, you now know that you have the Ability and the Authority to obliterate all opposition, and to claim your own Victory over the Darkness. Not only do you intend to step over the giant before you, but you will certainly come out of the battle with His head on a platter.
As long as Satan roams the earth seeking someone to destroy, you will always have a battle on your hands. You will never be totally free of demonic lies and influence while you are on this earth. Why? Because Satan roams to and fro about the earth Seeking Someone to Devour!
In the face of Hell’s onslaught, it is not the time to capitulate. No! It is the time to remind yourself that you are skilled warrior…and that warriors do not shrink back, they do not operate on the defense, they will always be on the offense, and they will never quit, and they never give up. What does that mean?
In full spiritual battle gear, You stand in the face of the devil’s lies and you tell that old serpent exactly how the battle will be fought and, more importantly, how it will end. Even if he mocks you for your zeal, you stand strong in the face of the devil’s threats and demented tactics.
Like throwing gasoline in someone’s face, you take a hold of a spiritual fire hose and spray Hell and all of its minions, with the truth of God’s most holy and powerful Word. And by the way, who is the WORD? The WORD is the overcoming and victorious Christ! The overpowering and undefeated Christ!
Be Aware of The Devil’s Mockery
As you step into the battle know this, sometimes the devil will try to get you to stop the torture by encouraging you to roll over and play dead. Be prepared to hear the demons grumble, “you are going down,” “you have blown it this time,” “this time there is no solution”, “medical science has told you that you are a walking dead man, there is no cure for your illness,” “you just are not smart enough, strong enough, young enough, old enough,” in fact, they will tell you that your family always fails, so you can expect to do the same. Don’t buy a word of the lying devil.
You Must Be An Unrelenting Force of Authority in Hell’s Face
In the face of the devil’s mocking arrows, you must be an unrelenting force that stands in the face of Satan, with uncommon authority and strength. You must keep on spraying the word into his face, his eyes, his entire being, until he knows that you mean business.
Something must rise up within you…that something must be the heart, soul, and spirit of a seasoned warrior.
In your heart, you will always recognize that you are less than perfect in many ways. These are ways that you believe are vital to overcome the foe that you are facing. Ultimately you do not feel that you are quite ready to overcome the demons that are lurking in the atmosphere that surrounds you.
Understand that the weakness is in your own flesh. As long as you are counting on, and focusing that flesh, you will never realize there is a mighty warrior that lurks in the depths of your inmost being. You will not find that strength of that warrior in your soul. You will not find it in your mind, your will, or your emotions. It is not in your fleshly being. It is not lurking in your hopes and your dreams. No! It is will not emanate from of these. “Then,” you may ask, “Where is IT and how can I lay hold of IT?”
It is, in fact, the Spirit Man that resides deep inside of you! It is the Spirit Man that is percolating in the depth of who you truly are; it is the Spirit Man that will demonstrate the strength, power, and authority that HE, and You, together possess. It is the Spirit man that will ultimately fight the battle with you and for you. It is, in fact, the Spirit Man that is waiting to rise up within you, and overcome the devil that stands before you.
This, the Spirit MAN, THE CHRIST THAT LIVES IN YOU, is the strength that will never ever, no never, fail you when you stand before Hell and wield the sword of the Spirit in the devil’s face. It is the force of that Spirit man that will rage through you, and together with you, will bring the Devil back down to Hell where He belongs.
Be Aware That Christ Works Mightily Through You!
You must continually remind yourself, as well as every demon that lurks around you, that Christ is in you, and He Works is working through you. His Power is Pulsating Within Your Being, and He will not stop until the Victory is in your hand!
When the battle is over, both you and the defeated devil will realize that it was not your power, nor your might that once again brought Satan to the place of utter defeat. NO! It was, in fact, the Spirit of the Resurrected Christ in YOU that enabled you to have His Head on a Platter, on This Day and IN THIS BATTLE! Enlighten the devil and his rag, tag army of minions that he is the perfect picture of utter defeat at this moment, because he was defeated on Calvary’s Cross, when he murdered our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!
In other words, Game Over Satan. Devil you Lost and the Christ in Me, together with me, has defeated YOU, yet again! Every Warrior must know, that the Word of God in the mouth of Christ’s warrior, will always defeat hell. When you were a kid playing in the neighborhood, did you ever come up against another kid that wanted to punch your lights out? How did you get out of the conflict?
Most kids will go inside and tell their dad what is happening outside. Then they come out and they stand in the face of the bully and proclaim, “My daddy said for you to leave me alone!” So, it is the same way when you face hell’s minions. You simply pull out the Word of God and proclaim, “My Father in Heaven has a restraining order on you that is called the ‘Resurrection Force of Christ’ and He says that you must back down or face His wrath yet one more time.”
Jesus Raised Lazarus from the Dead
Surely you know the story in John Chapter 11, where Martha was reckoning with the certain reality that her brother was dead. He was in the grave. In fact, he had been there for three days. In fact, in the midst of his illness someone had sent for Jesus…He did not show up until Lazarus was dead and in the tomb. What do you think Martha and Mary were thinking about Jesus when they buried their brother? If only His power had been there when we needed it!
When Jesus showed up, He spoke Truth into the death that had become the reality of these two grieving sisters. He proclaimed, “Your brother will rise again.” She responded, “I know he will rise again in the resurrection at the last day.” And Jesus said, “Martha, I am the resurrection and the life.” He said, “If you believe in Me, He Will live.” And, in fact, that is exactly how the story ended.
So, He, who is the Word, says that if you believe in My resurrection power, then you do not have to accept death or defeat as your reality. He who is THE RESURRECTION will raise you up to walk atop the mountains that have defeated you. He will raise you up to walk on stormy seas that have threatened to engulf and drown you. He who is the resurrection, and the Life will raise you up to be more than you ever thought that you could be.
Can An Average and Ordinary Christian Overpower Hell
So, how can we expect and average and ordinary Christian to back-down the forces that emanate from the darkness of hell and overcome the power of that darkness? First, they must lay hold of the heavenly keys that will break open the power and glory of God on their behalf. What are those keys?
In Matthew 16:19, after Jesus rose from the grave, He had a set of Keys. He said to Peter, “Behold I give you the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven; whatever you bind on Earth, will be bound in Heaven. Whatever you lose on Earth will be loosed in heaven.” What exactly are the Keys that Jesus gave to Peter? As I understand it, the Keys of the Kingdom that Christ gave Peter, as well as every one of His followers from that day until this one, are seen as Kingdom Authority that will enable His people to invade and overcome the darkness and to release the light and glory of Heaven on Earth.
You Must Secure the Keys!
Why is that so? Consider this analogy: You are being harassed by some very wicked people who want to bring utter destruction to your own life and family. You know that there are documents that have been kept safely in a safe behind an impenetrable iron door; if you could only lay hold of them, they would disprove and defeat every lie that has been hurled against you.
So, what do you need to gain access to these documents? Remember that the door is made of iron; you cannot break it down with a hatchet. So how do you solve this dilemma? You must secure the keys that will open the door to take down the lies of the enemy that stands against you.
So our to live the overcoming life in Christ, is released in the authority of the keys that Jesus left in the hands of the Apostle Peter. Christ has made them available to everyone of us who have committed our lives to Him! Peter has gone on to his heavenly reward. Likewise, every believer in Christ that has walked this Earth and taken hold of those keys, has also gone on to their reward. There are no longer here to fight the earthly battles that face the Body of Christ in this day.
So what do you do? You pick up the Keys of the Kingdom, the authority that Christ gave to Peter, and you fight the good fight. In the face of Hell you do not relent and you do not give in. When you feel defeated, keep believing and you keep moving. When you fall, you get up.
Once we are up, we grab hold of the Keys of the Kingdom and fight the Good Fight of Faith that Peter and all the saints that followed him, and you established a great Victory In the Face of the Minions of Hell. You will prevail, because Christ paid a very precious price to secure those Keys for His Body.
Praise God in The Battle
As you fight the good fight of faith, do not forget to Praise your “Commander and Chief,” Jesus Christ the King! Praise Christ earnestly and deliberately! Praise Him continuously and on purpose. And as you fight the enemy before you, you must engage him with the High Praises of God in your Mouth, and a two-edged sword in your hand.
As you battle and release the authority of His Words in your mouth, do not doubt that the Lord, who is not only Mighty in Battle, but He is at your side. As you fight the good fight, the Risen Christ and a legion of Angels stand with you in the as you engage your enemy.
With the high praises of God in your mouth and a two-edged sword in your hand, the mountain will be cast into the sea and the giant will fall to the ground. They will respond, not by power, not by might, but by the spirit and the victory of the Mighty Risen Lord! He is with you always, even to the ends of the Earth.
Make the Precious Word of God Your Focus, and Victory Will Become Your Reality!!!