Living the Abundant Life in Christ: Is It Real or Nothing But A Fairy-Tale? Dr. Lindy S. Diffenbaugh By Dr. Lindy Diffenbaugh When we were dead because of our failures and sins, God made us alive in Christ. God has in fact, brought us back to our lives together in Christ Jesus, […]
Living the Abundant Life in Christ: Is It Real or Nothing But A Fairy-Tale?
The Unrelenting Force of Death, Hell and Darkness!
The Unrelenting Force of Death Hell and Darkness On The Earth Written By: Dr. Lindy Diffenbaugh Saints of God We Must Resist the Resistance of Death, Hell and Darkness Since the moment that God spoke the world into being, it has prevailed from the beginning of time. However, from the beginning of time, […]
God Has Blessed and Will Keep On Blessing His People
God Has Blessed and Will Keep On Blessing His People By Dr. Lindy Diffenbaugh Through the Power of Word, God Spoke Mankind Into Being Our God is a God of Vision. He is a God of Purpose. He knows the Beginning from the End for every life, every city, every nation, and ultimately, for the […]
Formed in the Likeness of Issachar
Formed in the Likeness of Issachar To Know the Times and What On Earth To Do We, Like Issachar of Old, Must Know the Times and Ruthlessly Prevail Against Hell on Earth By: Dr. Lindy Diffenbaugh As I begin this writing, I see there are multiple issues and protocols related to the governing of the […]
We Must Have a Massive Global Awakening Amongst God’s People!
Without A Massive Global Move to Awaken God’s People, Darkness Will Consume the Earth As We Follow the Pathways of Our God, We Will Establish His Earthly Blue Prints on The Earth By Dr. Lindy Diffenbaugh As you sojourn through the blessings that the Lord has bestowed upon your life on this earth, you will begin […]
Demand The Dunamis Power On Earth as In Heaven
Demand The Dunamis Power On Earth As In Heaven By Dr. Lindy Diffenbaugh We read in the Bible that is truly an inherent fiery force flowing from depths of the inner being of every Warrior Commissioned by the Most-High God of Heaven and Earth. When the trials and needs of the situations on the earth demand […]
You Will Prevail With Christ At The Helm of Your Vessel
You Will Prevail With Christ At The Helm of Your Vessel When Your Understanding Fails, You Put Your Faith In The God of Heaven and Earth By Dr. Lindy Diffenbaugh When brick walls and overwhelming avalanches of trials, troubles, and tribulations are usually thrust upon us, by none other than Satan himself. When we consider the […]
A Certain Force In the Midst of Uncertain Times
Kingdom Leaders At the Gate! By Dr. Lindy Diffenbaugh The Bible speaks of a power that is an inherent force that flows from depths of the inner being of every Warrior Commissioned by the Most-High God of Heaven and Earth. When the trials, demands, and needs of the situation on the earth demand it, the release of this […]
Christ’s Resurrection Force Releases Overcoming Power!
It difficult, if not impossible, to get through life without slamming straight into overwhelming situations and circumstances that defy remedies and eventually suck you into a place of hopeless despair. You may believe that you can easily employ remedies that have served you well in the past, but more often than not, the obstacles before you now stare you […]
In The Beginning God Created
The First Couple Falls For Satan’s Diabolical Seduction to the Evil Side of The Garden By Lindy S. Diffenbaugh, D. D. In the beginning, after God had created HEAVEN AND EARTH, and populated the Global Habitation with Oceans, Greenery, Mountains, Soil, Sand, Plants, Flowers, Fish, and Fowl, the Lord Created the First two God Formed, Created Beings. The two […]
Power to Destroy Hell and Darkness on the Earth
KINGDOM INTERCESSION RELEASES GOD’S POWER AND AUTHORITY ON EARTH, AS IN HEAVEN Power to Destroy Hell and Darkness on the Earth! When the force of dynamite power is combined with the force of Intercessory Prayer, we begin to reckon with the absolute urgency that is upon God’s warriors to engage this discipline daily. In so […]
If God Be For Us Hell Is Already Defeated
If God Be For Us Hell Is Already Defeated God’s Warriors VS Demonic Imps from Hell In the beginning, after God had created HEAVEN AND EARTH and After populating the Global Habitation with Oceans, Greenery, and Mountains, Soil, Sand, Plants, Flowers, and Fish and Fowl, the Lord Created Adam and Eve. These of […]
Our Heavenly Identity in Christ
Our Heavenly Identity in Christ By Dr. Lindy S. Diffenbaugh The World that we live in this day, is filled with turmoil, battle, destruction, and chaos. These atmospheric irritants greatly out-weigh the love, joy, peace, and goodwill to all men, that we should now be pouring out upon the broken needy “would-be saints” that now cover this earth. We […]
Stand Strong-The Battle is Not Yours But God’s! Dr. Lindy S. Diffenbaugh, DD
It Is Vital, in Fact It Is Imperative, That We, Heaven’s Warriors, Continually Discipline Ourselves In Our Daily Walk […]
The Saga of the Misplaced Eagle
The Saga of the Misplaced Eagle YOU CAN SOAR HIGHER THAN AN EAGLE The Saga of the Misplaced Eagle! I begin with a story of the egg of a mother eagle that was waiting to be hatched. In fact, the mother and father eagle were anxiously waiting for their baby eaglet to crack that shell and present himself to the […]
Africa: Choose You This Day to Follow Christ and Him Alone!
Since the first missionary trip to Africa that my husband and I embarked upon, I have wanted to know why such a gorgeous nation had been labeled as the “Dark Continent!. Since that time, I have done more in-depth research concerning […]
Stand In Staunch Resistance Against the Rage of Your Enemy
Stand In Staunch Resistance Against The Rage of Your Enemy The Battle Is Not Yours But God’s It is imperative that Heaven’s Warriors continually discipline themselves, in order to maintain a steady walk with the Triune God of Heaven and Earth. We must always be focused on and vigilant of, WHOSE we are. Why? Because […]
Christ’s Resurrection Power Overcomes Hell
Christ’s Resurrection Power Annihilates Hell’s Armies Who Are You to Defy the Armies of the Living God? It’s difficult, if not impossible, to get through life without slamming our way into demonically inspired situations, circumstances, and roadblocks. Each of these stubbornly defies human remedies and logical solutions. When we hit such a wall, […]