Marriage Is God’s Work Bench!
By Dr. Lindy S. Diffenbaugh, D. D.
You Can Be Right or You Can Stay Married!
There is Nothing New Under the Sun Concerning Marriage
God had a plethora of ideas on His work bench when he considered the Creation of the Universe: Indeed, it was a huge task to take on…but it could not have been that difficult because all that He had to do was to Speak and Our World Came into Being!
There is nothing in Biblical Records that I have found, that would indicate that God had made a few “boo-boos” here and there and he had to tear up the first, second, third or fourth draft, and start all over again.
As those of you that spend time in your Bible know, in the beginning, God Created the earth, filled it with both land and sea, and beautiful greenery, powerful oceans, wildlife on the ground and whales, fish, and other water bound creatures in the sea.
As you already know, after God created the wildlife and such, He created the first man on the planet. In fact, He named the man Adam and he had so much trust in Adam, that he allowed him to name all of the wildlife, fish, foul, trees, plants, and much more, on the earth.
After a short time, God recognized that it was not good for man to be alone, so God decided that Adam needed a “help-mete”, so he created a woman for Adam, and He called her Eve. There is much more information concerning Adam and Eve’s sojourn in the garden, their encounter with the Snake-i.e., Satan himself, which their eventual exile from the Paradise where they had lived throughout their lives.
I will leave that scenario right there and move on to a more modern-day version of the Man and Woman, on this Earth, in this day. Certainly, any things that were normal in the early days of Adam and Eve, and God’s creation, are not much different than our lives in this day. Yes, we have the privilege of electronics in the home, cell phones to keep us in touch with life. the news, and connections with close friends and family; in fact, we also have planes, trains, and automobiles to keep us moving in our everyday lives. In other words, we have everything that we need to live, strive, and prosper during our earthly sojourn.
A Beautiful Home Does Not a Marriage Make!
Just like almost all of the “stuff” that you by to make life easier, or to make you and your spouse, and/or children, happy and content with life, so it is with a marriage. We spend months, weeks, or even years dating and enjoying the companionship with your “one day goanna be wife/husband,” then you fall in love with your one and only true love, and you cannot imagine life without them by your side.
With that in mind, you decide that this one is THE ONE for you. You then pop the question, she says yes, and you get married and live happily ever after…Right? Not So Fast, this writing is just getting started. So, make sure that your trays are in the up right position, and your valuables are tucked away, because we are getting ready for LIFT OFF!!!
The Aftermath of the Wedding/Marriage
I knew man once, who was deeply in love with a lovely and beautiful woman. They were perfect together, and they eventually got married and they left on their honeymoon. When they got back, that man was speaking of their new lives together, when he said, “You know dating can be tricky and sometimes deceptive, but while we are falling in love, we fall into what seems like a “Happily Ever After” time for our lives.
When that happens, we go out and buy an engagement ring, we propose, and we buy a wedding ring, because marriage is the next step, in our forever journey together. Then, after the honeymoon is over, we step into a new life. It is not as much fun as dating, but it is still great to be married to the person that you love and adore. But the prospect of living happily ever after, is satisfying and exciting…until….
While Time Passes Another Ring Pops UP
As you remember, we spoke of the engagement ring, and the wedding ring, both of which were pretty exciting. But what happens after the marriage when another ring appears? What could that ring be? That an Easy question to answer! The next ring that you will encounter in your marriage, is the SUFFERING!
In other words, Marriage is not for the Faint at Heart! It is a tough proposition to enter into, and very often you might feel like you made a huge mistake, and you wonder why you even agreed to step into this “marital warzone!” Trust me, I have been there. It can get ugly, before you find your way to Paradise!
Can Married Couples Discover the Joy of Being One Before God?
The answer to that question is an absolute YES-if they decide to press through every obstacle that the devil or even their mate put in their way! In other words, if you are going to stay married, you must understand that there will be pain and suffering, but on the other side of that pain and suffering, you will have an entirely new relationship with your spouse, and you will wonder how you ever lived life without them. In fact, there will also be times when things in your life and marriage are so good that you do not know how you managed to live life without them.
If you want to have a wonderful marriage and blessed children in your home, then there is one ingredient that is essential to release the Heavenly God Given Joy into your marriage. You may be asking yourself, “What Could that One Thing Be?” Here it comes, do not miss it.
You must know and understand, and in fact insist that after you marry the love of your life, you must recognize that there are three of you in this marriage. There is, of course YOU and Your Spouse, but there is also one more entity that will contribute to your marriage. Who could that possibly be? Glad You Asked!
In fact, and you must recognize that when you married your spouse, the two of you became one before God. The key words in that sentence are, “One Before God!” In fact, you both are in the marriage, and God is watching over you to keep you on the right path.
Next Comes God’s Work Bench
So what happens if one of you, or both of you, are not walking the straight and narrow, God designed pathway for your relationship? First one, or both of you should start to pray like a man/woman on fire. You may be the only one praying or maybe the two of you are praying separately, but either way you must understand that those prayers are essential to keep you on the right path to the restoration of your “marital bliss!”
You must understand that your Marriage is God’s Work Bench. What does that mean? To me it means that God has a vision for you and your spouse. While you may think that your marriage is going well, but God sees you in the future, and as the late Apostle/Prophet, Kim Clement would say, “I see you somewhere in the future, and but look much better than you look right now!”
In fact, wherever you see your marriage at this point in your life, God sees the finished product of your life in the end of time on this earth, as well the life that he designed for you in Heaven.
You must understand that, if you take your own life into your own hands and do what you want to do with your life, without having a continual interaction with God, you might miss the plans and purposes that He has for your lives and for your marriage.
Trust God! Consult Him! Allow Him to Take You Above Your Expectations or Your Lives and Your Marriage! Into a Place of Absolute Contentment, Goodness and Joy!!!