We Must Be Aware That Leviathan is Both a Real, Active, and Deadly Beast of the Sea
By Dr. Lindy S. Diffenbaugh, D. D.
Seeking Whom He May Devour!
Resist and Destroy the Deadly Force of Leviathan
It is vital that we recognize and discern the presence, force, and the diabolical, demonic water spirit known as Leviathan. Beyond that we must know how Leviathan manifests in our lives, how he comes upon us, and how he ruthlessly intrudes into the lives that he targets and invades.
Beyond that, it is imperative that we comprehend the destructive spiritual forces that lurk around us, in the surrounding territories where we work and reside. With that in mind, it is imperative that we partner with the powerful force of God’s Angel Armies on this earth, to discern and recognize the forces of Hell that move and swarm around us day and night, throughout every night and day of our lives.
When we face such a predator in our midst, it is imperative that we stand in union with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and hold a strong partnership with the powers of Heaven. You may ask why that is so important; it is vital because, with God’s power within us and upon us, we will surely have the capacity to overtake Leviathan when he is near and/or upon us.
With the Spiritual Force That We Carry We Have the Strength to Resist and Overcome The Demonic Force of Leviathan
In the face of the demonic threat of Leviathan, we must stand strong, and grab hold of the Spiritual Force that God has provided for Us, His Faith Filled Spiritual Warriors. Through our relationship with the Triune God-i.e. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, we have access to His Heavenly authority, on this Earth.
Once we lay hold of the Heavenly authority that is ours in Christ, we must learn how to strategically release that power, to break up the forces of Leviathan and his minions. Beyond that, this force is in union with the spiritual forces and strengths, that are filled with an almighty unimaginable power pack of God’s Heavenly grace and strength, on this Earth and in the clouds that move in the Heavenlies.
The force of Heaven provides and carries a spiritual strength to overcome, overtake, and grab hold of this dark, hell-filled, diabolical, demonic creature; in fact, this demonic force surely emanates from the threat of death hell and darkness, that ruthlessly lurks within this wicked, evil force that ruthlessly lurks within this from the darkest pits in the depths of hell itself!
Leviathan Attacks Through Lies and Miscommunications
It is through the release of lies, miscommunications, confusion, and suspicion into the hearts and minds of all humanity on this earth, that Leviathan takes control of the battles and that Hell Has Empowered him to release onto God’s Warriors. With that in mind, it is imperative that God’s warriors know how to resist the influence of the lie filled demonic forces, that are released from the pit of Hell.
It is important that we, God’s warriors understand and know how to hold the upper hand in the battle against this predator, and how to release certain amount of strength to overcome and overpower the dark forces and diabolical plans that Leviathan has in mind for the heirs of salvation that now reside on this Earth!
Biblical Script is Filled with Life Giving Promises for God’s People
In certain times God comes to our defense, as we stand against the minions that Hell has released against its enemies. In the midst of an attack, the Apostle demands, “Who shall bring a charge against God’s elect? It is God who justifies…Who is he who condemns? It Christ who died, and furthermore is also risen, who is even at the right hand of God, who also makes intercession for us. (Romans 8:44-34).
Romans 8 speaks non-stop about how it is possible to be delivered from bondage and live victoriously in Christ. It is no wonder that Paul said, “What then shall we say to these things: If God is for us who can be against us?” (Romans 8:31b)
In fact, we must be sure that we are in good hands: they are the hands of Almighty Might God, our strong and faithful creator God, our strong and faithful, Creator, Savior, and King.” His hands will surely hold us up and move us into victory with every predator that we will ever face in this life!
Knowing that God is For Us, then why do we fret, work and fear our enemy and why do we often jump out of the Hands of the Lord, and try to do our own thing, according to our own understanding,” (Prov 3-5-7)?
The sad fact is that too many of God’s chosen people are “destroyed by a lack of knowledge.” (Hosea 4:6a) But God doesn’t want His people to be destroyed because they lack spiritual knowledge. In fact, it is imperative that we grab hold of the leading of the Lord and follow Him if we are to prevail over death and darkness on this earth.
Yes, God wants to release godly wisdom to us, along with His divine counsel and strategies to empower us to stand in the face of Leviathan and Prevail! Why is it imperative for God to release these to His People? It is simply vital for God to deposit His arsenal of weapons for our ultimate Victory over Death, Hell, and Darkness!
Just Who Is this Serpentine Creature?
With the above information in mind, when we read God’s word with a desire to grow in wisdom and understanding, we will eventually run into direct references regarding a serpent-like creature known as Leviathan. In fact, there is no doubt, because such a reference is in the Bible, God wanted to release specific revelation about Leviathan and the danger that he will inflict on those who are unaware of his existence and certainly his ruthless nature.
I believe that such reference is in the Bible to provide the reader with significant insight on just how evil Leviathan really is and how this spirit will take advantage of those who are unaware of his existence and intent to destroy us! This revelation sheds a bright light on the battles that could be coming against His warriors and/or their loved ones.
What Is Leviathan Capable of INFLICTING UPON People On This Earth
For starters, he will release a seductive force of darkness, that he will camouflage his intentions, and pretend that they are the light from almighty God. He may cause them to look like they are mighty and strong, and they can do anything that they want to do.
But, beware, in the end, there will be a pay-day. Leviathan could possibility give them all this supposed power, and they will grab it and run with it. In fact, they will even be aware that their strength is coming from a liar and a cheater, and oh yes, he can also be a murderer.
So! Beware…Leviathan and other Water Spirits are not Creatures to Brush Off As if They are Fairy Tales Characters! They are Deadly Predators to be aware of and to be Prepared to Resist, Overcome, and Destroy!
Therefor We Must…
Be Aware, Be Bold and Be Strong, Trust God and Destroy this Wicked and Evil Sluth Known as Leviathan!