By Dr. Lindy S. Diffenbaugh, D.D.
The Power to Destroy Death Hell and Darkness
When the Force of Dunamis Power is combined with the Force of Intercessory Prayer, it Releases the Authority to Destroy Death Hell and Darkness. When we are in the midst of intercession and prayer, we begin to reckon with the absolute urgency that calls warriors to engage the discipline of prayer every day that God gives them breath to serve Him on this Earth.
In so doing we, God’s Mighty Warriors will cover our families, our nations, and our world, with Heaven’s grace and authority, to fearlessly stand in the face of the threats of hell and prevail over them in every battle that they face!
The goal of this battle is to ruthlessly destroy the enemy that stands before us, as well as before all of God’s created beings on this earth, whether they are saved and walking with God, or whether God, Himself is moving them to that place in their lives! Among the many reasons that prayer packs a powerful punch between Earth and Heaven, is the fact that God Himself has invited us to come boldly into His Throne Room of Grace, and to petition Him for victory in the battle that we engage on earth, in the sight and the authority of God.
With our Commander and Chief before us, we will not fail to lay hold of the grace and authority to stand in the face of Hell and prevail against principalities, powers, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God!
God’s Front-Line Warriors
We, God’s mighty warrior saints, must always be on top of His Heavenly Purpose, and carry out our assignment with His power and authority leading the way.
In fact, the Lord invites His chosen ones, to boldly enter His Throne Room of Grace, and to petition Him to release His authority, power, and unlimited strength upon us, as we engage an untold number of demonic warriors on this earth, that are intent on destroying us, whether we are living by an earthly standard, or whether we are living our lives for the glory of God on Earth as in Heaven.
In fact, the destruction of the captivity or influence of Hell in the life of a child of God, or even one that now walks with the devil, yet it is known in the Kingdom of Darkness that this demon filled, devil inspired person, will one day follow God, and do much damage to the devil’s kingdom.
The strength of the force of global intercessory prayer will absolutely create an explosive Dunamis Thrust that will demolish Hell’s efforts to bring destruction to the saints on this earth.
Heaven Responds to Intercession
When released from the depth of our hearts, intercession greatly empowers the warriors of the Most-High God, to demolish Hell’s devilish minions. The aftermath of the defeat of darkness on the earth will bless and empower entire families, as well as the generation of those that are alive in this day!
No doubt, God’s heart is blessed when His earthly warriors call to Him night and day for His wisdom, His goodness, His knowledge, and the Moving of His hand in their lives. As the intensity of prayer empowers intercession, it will draw down the attention of Heaven, that in turn will trigger the release of God’s intervention from Heaven to Earth.
This intervention will always be targeted to release a strike on the earth exactly where it is needed! With the victory achieved, it will become evident that the passion of our prayers has moved God’s hand and His heart on our behalf! As we intercede, our faith must affirm that our prayers immediately reach the ears of our Father in Heaven.
When we see the Hand of Heaven in our battle against hell and darkness, then we will know without doubt, that the Father has heard, and He is responding to our prayers. As we see His hand of intervention in our situations and circumstances, the fact that the Father hears and answers our prayers becomes a solid reality in our mind, heart, and spirit.
Never doubt that Holy Spirit calls out your name, and He speaks to the Father about your battles, trials, and infirmities. When the answers to your petitions come upon you, you will be assured that both His Eye, and His Hand are moving on your behalf. It will also be confirmation that Hell will be defeated and you, with The Commander and Chief in Heaven on Earth, will be Victorious in this Battle.
God Is Always With You In This Battle
It is vital to understand that We, the People of God, do not know how to pray as we ought to pray (Romans 8:26). Why is that? Because from the perspective of the earth, we can only see earthly objects and events that are before us. That is why God has sent His Holy Spirit to help us in our infirmities and in our shortcomings, to see beyond the natural.
When we feel that we are alone in the battle, that is the very time that we must understand that the Spirit of God Himself is encouraging us to release targeted intercession-(Romans 8:26). As we release the force of our intercession, we must stand in absolute faith that, “When we release our prayers to Heaven’s Throne, then God Himself hears and releases His response to our intercession!” His response is swift and targeted, and Because He is God, the Creator of All Things, He is Willing and He is Able to Orchestrate the Fulfillment of Those Prayers.
God’s Ultimate Goal is to Deliver Us, and to Save Us Completely” (Hebrews 7:25) Because Jesus is the Greatest intercessor in the Universe, through the Holy Spirit He guides and instructs us through the mountains that loom beyond us, before us, and yes, even on top of us.
When God intervenes in our “shipwrecked” circumstances, then demons flee, mountains move, bodies are healed, and relationships are restored. In other words, when the hand of God reaches down into our circumstances, then our needs and desires become our reality. Intercession is the Key to the Heart of God!
Intercession is defined as, “The act of offering petitions, in exchange for God’s Grace and Blessings.” The Latin translation of the word implies a going between on behalf of another. If we truly want to please the Father in Heaven, then we must recognize that more than anything else, prayer and intercession open His heart, and He will release the keys that will release the answers to our intercession.
What is Intercession?
If you are not aware of the term Intercession, it is calling on the Father to act on behalf of another person, to save them from the works of the enemy, and ultimately from the ruthless and unquenchable Flames of Hell Fire! The intercessor’s absolute commitment to focused and accurate intercession, offered with love, passion, and the intention to continue until the answer comes; because their prayer has been released from their heart and spirit, it will always deliver the right intervention, for the lives and souls that they have represented before the Throne of God.
In fact, Holy Spirit is the agent sent from Heaven to pray through us with wordless groans, (Romans 8:26). Holy Spirit resides inside of us, and He leads us as We Petition Heaven Through Our Intercession. It is Holy Spirit that gives us the words to verbalize and release our prayers up to Heaven’s Throne.
Why Do WE Pray?
We pray because when we pray, we set the captive free. As we pray, we deliver those who sit in darkness, and they will see a great light. When we pray, we lift heavy burdens off those that cannot lift them on their own. When we pray bodies are healed, marriages are repaired, and finances are released.
When we pray, souls that are marching headlong into the flames of hell fire, find Jesus and they step onto a new pathway towards Heaven.
When we pray, we invite the hands of God to release His blessing into the most hopeless and helpless situations imaginable to many of us on this earth.
Finally, when we pray, we increase our strength and ability to prevail against Hell and the powers of darkness that have been sabotaging the efforts of mankind on the earth for multiple millenniums.
Rest assured that Satan will not stop harassing God’s people until he/himself is buried in the bottomless pit that has been specially prepared for his future in eternity.
That, of course means that we-God’s Mighty Warriors will not stop fighting until we leave this earth, or until the rapture descends onto this earth and takes God’s Saints to Heaven.
The benefits of Prayer can be likened to the awards of the man in the military. Every battle that he wins, goes on his record. When his record reflects great leadership, and when he wins enough battles, he will step into an unimaginable promotion!
These victories build us up in our most holy faith. They strengthen our ability to face any and every power of darkness that comes against us, as well as against those that we love. Beyond our loved ones, our intercession can reach around the globe, and touch masses of people groups, and the nations of the earth.
The interesting thing about releasing our prayers into the nations of the earth, is that the intercessor reaches out and touches Heaven on behalf of people and situations that they have never met. These may live all around the globe and they are not known to the intercessor. But it is very likely that they will bring God’s solutions into the most difficult circumstances that we can imagine; yet even though they have poured out hours of intercession before God, they are ready and prepared to face horrendous demonic forces, and they are certain that God will respond to those prayers. It is also notable to say that they most likely will never meet even one of the people that pray for, whether they live in foreign countries, or in the town where they reside; but in the portals of Heaven, someone has observed their interventions in prayer for others, and their intervention is thus noted in their Book of Life in Heaven.
Considering all the lives, situations, and nations that they might have prayed for, my guess is that when they get to Heaven, they will realize that their commitment to focused and continued intercession, was merely a “drop in the bucket,” in light of the massive needs that God sees around this Globe. However, understand this, that “drop in the bucket” was absolutely necessary to meet a portion of God’s needs on this earth, and to push back Satan’s efforts to sabotage the work of Heaven on the Earth.
When we see a need on the earth, we must always begin to negotiate a Heavenly intervention into the situation. When the intervention is released, we must ask the Father if He would have us to intercede any further on the matter. If He says, “YES”, then pray and keep on praying. If He says, “No”, then we must petition Him to release our next intercessory intervention.
Give God What He Desires From Your Heart and Life
To further the definition of an intercessor, and to increase the depth of partnering with God on intercessory assignments, it could also be that intercession is the effort and intention to get our Father in Heaven what He needs on this earth.
Finally, when we pray Christ’s passions, along with the plans and purposes of the Father, we are truly partnered with Christ and contending for God’s intervention in the broken lives of others.
As we join our prayers with Christ’s desires, then we will impact Nations, National Leaders, Global Unity, and the ability for His eternal purpose to perpetuate and prevail in lives, hearts, and institutions on the earth.
This message is brief, and it does not begin to touch the height, the width, the depth, and the breadth of the power and force that intercession carries.
When we pray, we must discern the depth of the Spirit within us and allow it to take us into the deepest depths of prayer and beyond.
In fact, as we Boldly Petition Our Father In Heaven, it is imperative that we are bold when we Call On the Authority of Heaven! It is Imperative that we Petition our Lord With Great Faith And Uncommon Authority!
As we see His hand of intervention in our situations and circumstances, the fact that the Father hears and answers our prayers becomes a solid reality in our mind, heart, and spirit. His intervention will always be targeted to release a strike on the earth exactly where it is needed! With the victory achieved, it will become evident that the passion of our prayers will move God’s hand and His heart in our behalf!
As we intercede, our faith must affirm that our prayers immediately reach the ears of our Father in Heaven. When we see the Hand of Heaven in our battle against hell and darkness, then we will know without doubt, that the Father has heard, and He is responding to our prayers. As we see His hand of intervention in our situations and circumstances, the fact that the Father hears and answers our prayers becomes a solid reality in our mind, heart, and spirit.
This intervention from God, will always be targeted to release a strike on the earth exactly where it is needed! With the victory achieved, it will become evident that the passion of our prayers will move God’s hand and His heart! When we see the Hand of Heaven in our battle against hell and darkness, then we will know without doubt, that the Father has heard, and He is responding to our prayers. As we see His hand of intervention in our situations and circumstances, the fact that the Father hears and answers our prayers becomes a solid reality in our mind, heart, and spirit.
With our Commander and Chief Before Us We Will Prevail
We will not fail to lay hold of the grace and authority to stand in the face of Hell and prevail against principalities, powers, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God!
It is a fact that, when the force of Dunamis Power is combined with the authority of intercessory prayer, we begin to reckon with the absolute urgency that calls warriors to engage the discipline of prayer every day that God gives them breath to serve Him on this Earth.
In so doing we, God’s mighty warriors, will cover our families, our nation, and our world with Heaven’s grace and authority to fearlessly stand in the face of the threats of hell, and prevail over them in every battle that they face!
Never forget when you move into the battle, that your goal is to ruthlessly destroy the enemy that stands before us, as well as before all of God’s created beings on this earth-whether or not they are saved and walking with God, or whether God, Himself is moving them to that place in their lives, on this earth!
Stand Strong Against the Devil and Know That With God You Will Prevail!