Thou Art the Man!
By Dr. Lindy S. Diffenbaugh, D.D.
If you have spent any time in the Old Testament of the Bible, then you are surely aware of one of the most valiant and worthy warriors of all times. Yes, I am talking about King David! In fact, David’s story is well documented in the Bible, from his early days as a youth, until the moment of His death. Even though David was the “least in his father’s house”, he is most likely the son that we think of when we think of the sons of Jesse!
In Fact, when Nathan the Prophet came to Jesse’s home, he looked over his 7-older sons, yet he did not find any of them that had the valor to sit on the throne of the King of Israel. In fact, when Nathan came to the home to search for someone to take the throne in Israel, due to King Saul’s excommunication.
When Nathan came to the home to search someone to take the Throne in Israel, after King Saul had been excommunicated from the Throne in Israel; thus, Israel was without a King to sit on the Throne and rule Israel! With great expectations, Jessee brought 7 of his 8 sons before Nathan, hoping that there would be at least one of them that could become the King over Israel! After Nathan looked over Jessee’s 7-older sons, he did not find one son that would have been worthy to Sit on the King’s Throne in Israel.
Nathan prophetically knew that he would find the next King to take the Throne in Jessee’s house. With that spiritual knowledge, he asked Jessee if he might have another son, to which Jessee reluctantly responded that he did have one son that was out tending his sheep. Jessee immediately sent one of his servants to bring David before Nathan. When David was brought to this meeting, Nathan knew immediately that this shepard boy would be the second King to ascend the Throne in Israel! In fact, Nathan served as a prophet in Israel during the reigns of David and Solomon; further more, Nathan served as a prophet in Israel during the reigns of David and his son, Solomon.
David and Nathan Met Again Concerning David’s Desire to Bless The Lord
David and Nathan met in 2 Sameul 7, due to David’s desire to build a temple in honor of the Lord. Again, in Chronicles 17:3 we read of David’s desire to build a temple for the Lord. In this scripture we read of David’s dissatisfaction, as he speaks out an says, “See now, I dwell in a house of cedar, but the ark of God dwells in a tent.”
Nathan at first encouraged David to move forward with whatever plans he had. Yet that night the Lord spoke through Nathan, giving this message for David: “When your days are fulfilled and you lie down with your fathers, I will raise up your offspring after you, who shall come from your body, and I will establish his kingdom. He shall build a house for my name, and I will establish the throne of his kingdom forever” (Samuel 7:12–13)
When Nathan shared this with David, he put his plans for the temple on hold and responded to God’s guidance with a prayer of gratitude. The second recorded meeting between David and Nathan was not so congenial. In 2 Samuel 12e Nathan confronts David regarding his relationship with Bathsheba.
The Lord had commanded Nathan to share a story of a rich man who took and killed a poor man’s only lamb. David was justifiably angry at the injustice (verses 5–6). Nathan then answered, “Thou art the man!” (Verse 7). Nathan pointed out to David that he had blood on his hands. He was guilty of killing Bathsheba’s husband as well as committing adultery. God brought judgment upon David for his sin, with the death of his and Bathsheba’s infant. However, David repented, was forgiven, and remained on the King’s throne in Israel.
The third meeting of the king and prophet occurs in 1 Kings 1, near the end of David’s life. David’s son Adonijah sought to take over the kingdom, setting himself up as king. Nathan, who was not part of the plot, came with Bathsheba to King David to discuss the situation. Upon hearing of Adonijah’s treachery, David desired that his son Solomon would be Crowned as King. Nathan and Zadok the priest then anointed Solomon as King (1 Kings 1:45), and Adonijah’s supporters disbanded (verse 49).
In addition to serving King David, Nathan also wrote what was called the records or chronicles, of Nathan the prophet in 1 Chronicles 29:29 and 2 Chronicles 9:29. While it does not really need to be said, I will say it here in closing: Nathan the prophet was a blessing to King David. He was a close and trusted friend. He spoke truth to David, even when that truth was difficult to hear. He was loyal in his service to the king and faithful to God and His Word. These are all important traits that any friendship should possess.
We must all have each other’s backs, so that we can all prevail for the Kingdom and Glory of God on Earth as in Heaven! Why? Because the Devil Still Roams the Earth Seeking Someone to Devour! In fact, this is not a Fairy Tail! It is Certain Reality! However In Fact, As you Face Darkness form Hell Coming up against you, know this…
More Are They Who Are With Us Than They Who Oppose Us!
We Are Not Alone in this Battle!