Kingdom Leaders At the Gate!
By Dr. Lindy Diffenbaugh

The Bible speaks of a power that is an inherent force that flows from depths of the inner being of every Warrior Commissioned by the Most-High God of Heaven and Earth. When the trials, demands, and needs of the situation on the earth demand it, the release of this intercessory force will erupt from the depths of the heart and soul of the ever-ready Heaven Powered Warrior of the God of Heaven and Earth!
In fact, if you are keen to the workings of Hell’s minions of the dark underworld, then it is likely that you have already discerned the presence of these wicked minions of death, hell, and darkness on the earth, as in Hell itself.
If you have perceived the wicked presence of that diabolical force, which is Headed-Up by Satan himself, then you must hold onto this one truth concerning the works of death and darkness; in fact, you must know and never lose site of the absolute truth of this one simple reality concerning Hell.
It is ‘here’ that you must discern that truth. In fact, fact if you are to lay hold of the reality of “that truth,” you must know and understand this: The only weapon that Satan and every one of His minions possess, is the Wickedness of the Force of the Power of Their Continual Lies.
If the devil’s lie is the only ‘weapon’ that hell possesses, then why are Satan and his armies as powerful as they are? If you want to know the truth, it is that Satan, along with his devil army, have been stripped of all their inherent God given power, except for the force of their devious and sometimes deadly lies that they can, will, and do invent and spew out onto the earth.
Who do they target with these lies? In fact, Satan’s crowd is not always particular, as to who they release their lies to, or upon. In fact, every one that stands in the way of Hell’s forces, and/or who are genuinely deceived by the lying forces that they carry, will surely be targeted by Satan and the wicked demons that stand with Satan and his minions. However
Just WHO do the demonic forces of Hell spew their wicked and evil lies out to? In fact, it is my guess that the demons of Hell spit out their to anyone who will believe and act on them. Thus, if you understand that reality, then you can enter the battle with great authority, knowing that the enemy is already defeated.
The Devil’s (Defeated) Force of Dark Warriors Thrive on Darkness
The bible speaks of a time when Darkness covers the Earth, and Deep Darkness the people. If you have not discerned it yet, we now live in a day when utter spiritual darkness overpowers the light and the glory in every spere of life and living. The only ways to really move into the light of Heaven, is to commune with the God of Heaven and Earth on a continual basis.
In fact, the dark forces from hell, have invaded the Earth on a mission to lie to, cheat, and steal the very life out of God’s created Masterpieces; if you are unsure of exactly certain of who these Heaven-Sent Masterpieces might me, let me enlighten you on that subject. These are in fact. the men, women, and children who worship God and populate the Earth with His Heaven Filled Righteousness.
Of course, Satan’s army works overtime to steal and rob these God created beings; they work overtime to press God’s warriors into the death and darkness that Hell freely offers to every person that walks the Earth. In fact, Hell makes the portals of Hell sound very important to the and vital to the future of the planet and the world beyond. He does this, of course, to bring doubt and confusion to every living God Created, child of God.
Sadly, in fact, there are way too many would be saints, that have turned away from the Light of the Glorious Gospel of Christ to the wicked deceiver Satan! why would they do that? If you have not guessed the answer to that question, then let me enlighten you.
In fact, this wicked, diabolical serpent, has convinced them that the Great God of Heaven is, in fact the one who Is deceiving the entire world. Satan wants all of humanity to believe that he is the only enlightened being in the Universe; in fact he wants them to understand that he is the only one that can lead them to everlasting glory on this Earth, as well as in the afterlife.
The tragedy is that there are hordes of people that buy into the lie that Satan has been pedaling since the beginning of time, to the massive number of God created beings. In fact, this DEFEATED LYING DEVIL has been pedaling his lies since the creation of Adam and Eve, the two first unsuspecting victims of this ruthless, crafty, and diabolically evil rogue predator from Hell.
Who Will Rescue the Last, the Least, and the Lost of This World?
With that said, the most important question that must be asked, is this: question that must be asked is this: “Who’s responsibility is it to reach out and save those who have fallen into the deceptive force of this ruthless predator? In fact, just before the resurrection force of Christ that gives us the mandate to seek and save the lost. While Christ walked the Earth, He offered Himself to be broken bread and poured out wine.
He came to seek and save the lost, and to lead them to the road that that would lead them to Heaven’s Glory. He turned lives from darkness to light. He saved lives and souls, and all the while, He was pointing them to their Heavenly purpose. His human visitation on this earth, resulted in the salvation of many, many souls that were, from birth, destined for hell. But in this day, we do not, as a rule, see the Lord of Glory, WALKING the earth to save the last, the least and the lost!
The next question would be, if Christ no longer walks the earth, how do people find the Lord and how do they walk from the darkness to the light? In fact, how does anybody find the pathway that leads to Heaven’s Glory, on earth as in Heaven? In fact, that is, at least partially, you and I can step up and call on the Name of the Lord to intervene in breaking the lost out of the bondage from Satan and minions, and into the glory of Heaven’s power and purpose.
It is Past Time to Enter Your Prayer Closet and Shut the Door!
Isaiah 60 tells us to, “Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD rises upon you. See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the people, but the LORD rises upon you and his glory appears over you. Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn.”
There are many ways that we could interpret the above scripture. In fact, I will speak of it as I see It to be a part of the process that God demands to turn His people in to both Intercessors for His purposes to be released on the earth. If the people on this earth are to turn from their self-seeking ways, and become mighty Warriors themselves, then it is likely that they will not find the way on their own.
It is also important to know that there are some who have been abused by their own parents, that had portrayed themselves as Christians, but lived lives of drunkenness, and in many cases, they were ruthless, mean, and hateful to their children. It is in these kinds of homes, where children have learned to say, “If this is how Christians treat their children then, I want nothing to do with Christianity.” Sadly, when a child, or any human being, is turned off by the behavior of Christians, they will no doubt find themselves lost in the maze of confusion and conflict that Satan, himself has prepared for them.
Like Christ did, seeking to save the last, the least and the lost sheep on this earth. And who, you may ask, are the “lost sheep” of the earth? These are they who are on this earth to make a name, a living, or a future for themselves and their families. Some must want to pay the bills, and others want to build their own empire on this earth, so the people on the earth will say, “Well done, what a great man, or woman, there is no one that can compare to your skills and abilities.”
When God’s Step into Their Prayer Closet Intercessory Prayer is Fully Engaged
Our God’s ears are open and attentive to our prayers, and blessings fall straight from His heart and His hand. The impact of prayer releases exceeding abundant power and blessings towards you, your family, your church, your city, your nation, and your world. There is no limitation of the impact of the release of massive thrust of massive force of Kingdom Intercession It is vitally important that the intercessory strength that you release, has the potency to transform darkness to light, hope to despair, war to peace, and strength to the weakest people, places, and things in this world.
When we pray, it is imperative that our intercession is in direct alignment with God’s purpose and intentions to hear the petitions of those who touch His heart in prayer, day and night, night, and day, on the earth. Intercession is ultimately empowered by the intensity that pulsates behind the prayers.
If a fainthearted warrior lurks behind the prayer effort to engage the God of Heaven Himself, then it will certainly not attract Heaven’s intervention. Why? The “why” is that the strength and passion of our prayers, are the force that moves God’s hand and his heart towards, His children. When God’s heart is moved, His hand will certainly move on behalf of those who love Him.
Jesus Himself ever lives to make intercession for Us. He calls out our names, and He speaks to the Father concerning our needs, our trials, and our infirmities. When our prayers touch the heart of God, He is able to save us completely. (Hebrews 7:25) We, the people of God, do not know how to pray as we ought to pray. Why? Because we see through a glass darkly.
Jesus Has a Magnificent, Panoramic View The Battles on Earth
In fact He is the most compelling intercessor in the Universe. From an elevated Vantage Point, Christ guides and instructs us through the battle. He will surely deliver us from the snare of the Fowler and the noisome pestilence.
We, the Warriors of Christ, find our safety IN CHRIST! The TRUTH of Christ, the WORD, is the source of our strength and authority in every battle that we come up against on this earth. We will surely see thousands of warriors fall to the ground, but because we are in Christ, and the Holy Spirit is in us, we will stand. With the Christ IN Us-Moving Through Us, we will certainly prevail in even the fiercest battles that lie before us.
Holy Spirit is the agent sent from Heaven, to pray through us with wordless groans. (Romans 8:26) Holy Spirit lives inside of us. He leads us into Kingdom intercession. It is He who gives us the words to verbalize and release our prayers to Heaven’s throne. If we truly want to please the Father in Heaven, then prayer and intercession are the gateway to His heart. Our intercessory prayers are, in fact the foundation to every victory that we will ever claim.
If you think about it, it works the same way with any parent. If a child communicates with us, tells us his trials, his victories, and lets us know when he needs our help, we will surely give that child favor over the one who ignores us and tries to run his life on his own.
What Exactly IS Intercessory Prayer
By definition, Intercession is the act of offering petitions that we exchange for His Grace and Blessing. The Latin translation of the word implies, a going between on behalf of another. In other words, there is a sincere child of God on the earth that has a need, and there is a God in Heaven who has the answer for that need. The intercessor sees both and steps in between the two, to secure the intervention of the Lord in the life of the other. Intercession is thus calling on the Father to act on behalf of another person to save them from works of the enemy.
Your commitment to focused and accurate prayer, offered with love, passion, and the intention to continue until the answer comes, will always deliver the right intervention for those that you have represented before the Throne of God.
If you are unclear on how your “simple” prayers on Earth, can impact both Heaven and Earth, consider this: When you pray, you are shifting the responsibility of the desired victory, from your hands to God’s Hands.
When you pray you set the captive free. When you pray you deliver those who sit in darkness, and they will see a great light. When you pray you lift heavy burdens that others cannot lift on their own. When you pray bodies are healed, marriages are repaired, finances are delivered. When you pray captives are set free. When you pray, souls that are marching headlong into the flames of hell, find Jesus and step onto a new pathway to Heaven.
The bottom-line of intersession is that: When you pray, you untie the hands of God and invite Him to release His phenomenal authority and power into the most hopeless and helpless situations imaginable.
What does this do? It unequivocally secures the battle and takes Satan out of the picture, at least for that battle. Finally, when you pray you increase your strength and ability to prevail against Hell and the powers of darkness that have been sabotaging the efforts of mankind on the earth.
Your vigilance on the spiritual battlefield, as well as every battle that you win, increases your authority in the Kingdom, and your ability to take on greater battles. Your victories build you up in your most holy faith and they strengthens your ability to face any and every power of darkness that comes against you, the people of the earth, and in order to bring disruption to the affairs of men.
To further the definition and increase depth of Intercession, it can also be said that intercession is the effort and intention to get the Father in Heaven what He wants. If Jesus’s one desire was to do the will of Him who sent Him, how much more should we keep the passions of our Father in our mind, our spirit, and in our mouth, when we pray?
When we pray the passions and plans of the Father as they are revealed by the Holy Ghost, then we are truly partnered with Christ, seeking, and contending for God’s intervention on the earth for Nations, National Leaders, Global Unity, and Eternal Purpose to perpetuate and prevail on the earth.
The Lord’s Prayer
In Luke 11, Jesus gave His disciples a blueprint for prayer. He started by saying that they were to pray to the Father in Heaven. They were to worship God and Hallow His name, as they began to pray. They were taught the importance of declaring the coming of the Kingdom on Earth as it is in Heaven, and for the will of God to be done in the same way.
Finally, Jesus taught His disciples to petition the Father, to release the sustenance that they needed, and to ask the Father to forgive their sins, as they also forgave others. They were to pray to resist temptation and to be delivered from evil.
In the brevity of this simple prayer, we find the foundation and the basis for intercession. There is nothing that we need or that we must pray for, that would not be supported in this prayer. But this prayer is a blueprint to defeat every demonic force that we face on this earth.
We must grasp the authority of this intercessory Blueprint, and allow the depth of the Spirit within us, to take us to the deepest depths of this prayer and beyond. We must always consult and listen to the Holy Spirit when we pray. He takes us far beyond the constraints of our own flesh, mind, and heart.
Prayer is a great privilege. It is an open door to go into the throne room of grace, to find help and mercy in a time of need. (Hebrews 4:16) This is a Spiritual effort. It is not a fleshly act. Christ gives us permission to petition Him boldly, to save our children, provide financial intervention, heal our loved ones, break Satanic strongholds, open doors for us that no man can shut, etc. etc. What leader on this earth will afford us these same privileges? We must have an appointment to get 10-minutes with leaders of worldly organizations. And then, they may or may not deliver our petitions.
God has never failed us. He is the Creator and Proprietor of all the Planet Earth. He manages a vast Kingdom. He hears the cry of every Saint, and He meets their needs. He watches after the sparrows and other wild life on the earth. But Beyond all of that (and more), He somehow manages to tend to the needs of the cattle on a thousand hills. Yet, despite all of His vast responsibilities, God has an open-door policy. He invites us to Come Boldly before Him and He will reach out His hands of grace and meet our every needs.
Intercessory Prayer Open’s Doors for God’s Direction on the Earth
Even with the Lord’s benevolence, the number of people that enter in and pray for Heaven to displace Hell on Earth, is small. Why? Because Satan is working very hard to rob the people of the great and precious promises that Jesus died to give them through His death, burial, and resurrection. There is no room to doubt the authority and truth of God’s great and precious promises. I would not hesitate to say that a group the size of this one, that anyone and everyone of you that have prayed to God for answers
As intercessors and disciples of Christ, we must remain disciplined, vigilant, and awake, because the enemy still moves about the earth seeking whom he may devour. When the enemy is upon us, it is not a time to sleep in the garden. God has invited us to petition Him to intervene on our behalf. It is time to respond to that invitation.
Now because we are fleshly beings, we tend to see things from a fleshly perspective. We complain to God, let God know what we can’t do, and explain to Him that the enemy far outshines us in ever battle that we face. These are weak and shameful prayers. In fact, we cannot even categorize them as prayers. At best, they are fleshly prayers. They are the kind of prayers that God most likely will vehemently reject. Why? Because these are prayers that come from the soul, not from the spirit, of a man.
God commands us to pray in the Spirit because it helps us in our weaknesses. (Romans 8:26) But, in our weakest moments, we tend to cry on God’s shoulder and tell Him how and why nothing is working out in our life. I promise that God does not give an audience to whining would-be Saints.
Our God is Seeking Valiant Warriors
As Spiritual Warriors, in the Spirit we can decree a thing and it will come to pass. We can declare overcoming victory, because the Holy Spirit has released Words of Promise in our Spirit man. We can declare that God’s hand is upon us, and we will find His favor. We can declare that no weapon formed against us will prosper, and as sure as we declare it, the enemy’s plans will be abruptly disrupted. We can declare that our children are arrows in the hand of God, and He will release them into their direct purpose and destiny that He had intended before they were ever conceived. We can declare financial increase and it will manifest.
But understand this, you must decree these things repeatedly until they are established. You must not grow weary in the process. Because you see, the battle that you face when you decree a thing in prayer, is in your mind. When you see evidence of your own lack or defeat all around you year after year, you begin to believe the evidence, and you agree with the lies of the enemy.
The only way to obliterate those lies from your mind, is to continually challenge them every hour of every day, until you rid your mind of demonic lies and fill it with great faith.
Yes, they are decrees, but when they come out of your mouth as declarations of war, they are weapons that resist and take down the destructive forces of Death, Hell, and Darkness.
In the Spirit, we cast down principalities and powers, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God. In the Spirit, we will tell mountains to move, command sickness to leave, rebuke the storms, and much, much more.
These kinds of responses, in the face of pain and destruction, darkness and depression, lack and poverty, are not the norm of the natural man. They are the exertions of the Spirit within us, that know no barriers or boundaries on earth. We can be sure that Holy Ghost knows the impact of the glory of Heaven in the natural world.
That is why we must rid our thinking of the deceptions of Hell, and command that our flesh stay silent, in the face of disaster or uncertainty.
In the Midst of the Battle You Must Grab Hold of God’s Promises
We must never ever forget the great and precious promises of the Father. When sickness is diagnosed, when we face disaster and when we are afraid, the natural response is to panic and allow fear to take over. Such a response will entice a response of the invite demons from Hell to take over the battle. It will certainly bring about the natural results of death, hell, and the destruction.
Know this one reality: when the threat of hell knocks on your door, you must immediately silence your the voice of your flesh. So what do you do you when hell intrudes in your heart, soul, and circumstances? There is only one answer to that question and that is this: When Hell is at the door, you must send your Spirit man to answer that door. The force of God’s Spirit moving through you, will absolutely take down the demonic predator that wishes to deliver death and destruction into every area of your life, family, and job.
Such a response will automatically come forth when we have nurtured and empowered our Spirit with the truth of the Word of God. The Word of the Lord is released because we have built up a strong fortress of faith, hope, and love within us. It comes when we have learned to trust in the Lord with all our hearts, and when we are not leaning on our own understanding. (Proverbs 3:5)
Because we have built up a deep well of Faith in the depths of within our spirits, when we face a trial, there will be an automatic surge of the Spirit that rises-up within us. We will know that the Spirit is with us, by the groans that we recognize emanating from the deepest depths of our inmost being.
As these groans increase, we will eventually feel like we are carrying something that did not originate with our fleshly being. In short, we will recognize that with these groans, we are pregnant with the answer to the problems that we face.
If We to Take Hell Down, We Must Intensify Our Prayers
In order to prevail against Hell, you must persist in the battle as you intensify your prayers and as you continue with your intercession, until the devil departs from your territory with his tail between his legs! As you initiate your your stance in the battle, you must continually intensify your prayers; in fact, if you cut off the prayers prematurely, then we will abort Heaven’s intentions to bring deliverance in your life and situation. Thus, if you keep on praying and if we don’t give up, then you will graciously step into the promise of God for deliverance
Pray and Keep On Praying
If Victory is to prevail in the battle, then you must always pray and keep on praying if you are to ever see Victory in the Battle. If you cut your prayers off in a state of fear or doubt that God will or can really rescue you, then you will certainly abort the Victory Heaven intends to release into our lives.
This is a day of disaster and desperation. It is also a day when God’s favor and His supernatural grace and strength is upon you. With His grace moving through you, in this day when He will begin to move darkness back and bring His Kingdom to the earth. It is also a day when the enemy is raging against God’s purposes.
It is imperative that, if we have not already learned to “run with the footmen,” that we call on the Holy Spirit. He will teach us move through that test of the footmen, to victory. This is important because the horsemen are upon us. If we have fainted with the footmen, then how will we ever contend with the horsemen?” (Jeremiah 12:5) Pray that you will be found worthy of the battle in this day and in the days to come, because this is a day you are determining to become a massive and strong intercessory force on the earth that will certainly take down Hell’s Giants on the earth.
In order to overcome in that day, we must continually Stay in the Spirit, Pray in the Spirit, Listen to the Holy Spirit when we Pray, and Do what Holy Spirit tells us to do in Prayer. That is all that it takes to Overcome in That Day!