Thank you for “dropping by” my Ministry Blog. During your visit to my site, I will be sharing messages that will reflect truths from the revelation of the goodness and faithfulness of God, that I have experienced in and throughout my life. My impassioned purpose is to make life in Jesus Christ known to the last, the least, and the lost in this world.
Through sharing my years of experience and the accumulation of at least a degree of wisdom, my hope is that I may impart to you a path that will carry you through any wilderness that you may be negotiating at this time in your life. Revelation and purpose begins with deep and continuous intercession and worship. The release of Christ’s anointing upon your life and ministry, comes from an enduring relationship and intimate communion with the Triune God. Eternity with Christ is a free gift, that releases ever-increasing joy in this life as we commune with our God and develop an ongoing intimate relationship with with Him during our sojourn on this Earth.
I am a seasoned Intercessor, a Patriot who served in the United States Army, a retired Mental Health Professional, Mother of Five, Faithful Wife, Ordained Apostolic Minister called to serve in Nations, and I am an author. As difficult as life can be, I am living proof that despite the struggles that life may bring, through steadfast faith in Christ, Victory Can Be Ours. Start your incredible journey toward a definitive purpose today. May the Lord Bless You and Encourage you in your walk with Him!
May God’s Great Love and His Richest Blessing Be Upon YOU!
Lindy Diffenbaugh, D.D., Th.D.